Alhamdulillah, for the past 3 days, I have gone through 3 days online training of GLOW PENJANA, on my way to establish myself as a freelance writer.
From just writing from fun since 11 years old, up until 2017 writing with the focus to spread messages, to 2020 of producing my own ebooks, me & writing are seem to be meant to be. It’s been there with me since my school years, up until helping me coping with the hard times during my study, and help me to leverage myself professionally.
And now, to open a brand new opportunity to allow me to serve others with the skills that I have, I could not be more honoured.
I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m focusing more on what I can do now. I hope I am able to sustain myself, and thus open more doors to more opportunities ahead.
Feel free to contact me for any inquiries 😃